Flavor Advisory Board
Thank you for your interest in being part of the Lillypops' Flavor Advisory Board. We can not tell you how important this job is, and thank you for letting us send you free candy.
By submitting this form, you agree to allow us to send you random packages of new confections that Lillypops are developing. You also agree to fill out a quick questionnaire with your honest opinion. You are free to film yourself trying some of the products, but we ask that you DO NOT post anything negative while we perfect the product.
This is a super important job, and you will be a valuable part of the Lillypops family. Please note that by signing up, you may not necessarily receive a test package as there are many variables that go into sending out test kits.
Thank you again for taking the time to support Lillypops and its mission of creating premium, small-batch candy that gives back to those in need. #suckersforcharitry.
Here is to being F.A.B.,